How to make a repeat booking from the Web Dashboard

How to create a repeat booking from the Bookings page

With the repeat booking setting enabled, go to the Bookings page and create a new booking.

Enter the search criteria required for the first booking in your series.

Note: Repeat booking is only supported for single day bookings.

Choose the resource that you would like to book on a repeating schedule and select 'Repeat Booking' at the bottom of the drawer.

Repeat frequency

Choose how often you would like your booking to repeat; the options are daily, weekdays, weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

End repeat

Choose when you would like your repeat booking to end. This could be after a certain number of occurrences, on a certain date, or never.


If your repeat booking has any conflicts, these will be skipped in the final booking. If none of the repeat booking dates are available, you will see a message informing you and be unable to proceed with the repeat booking.

How to create a new repeat booking from the Resource Availability page

Go to the Resource Availability page and select the resource that you would like to book on a repeating schedule.

Provide the required details to make a booking, including your repeat booking criteria.

How to update or cancel a repeat booking

On the Bookings page, tap on the booking you will like to edit to open the booking details. From here you can update these details or cancel your booking/s. Select 'Save' to confirm.

If you cancel your repeat booking, you will be given the option to cancel all bookings in the repeat series or just the selected booking.