If set up correctly, "Locate Me" can be an excellent tool to find just about anyone in the workspace. "Locate Me" uses active directory groups created on your domain to locate members of said groups.
⚠️ This article relates to SwipedOn Desks which is a separate platform to our SwipedOn Visitor Management Software. SwipedOn Spaces and Resource Booking have their own help centre articles
Step 1: Log In to the Admin Portal
Here is a link to the portal. https://desks.swipedon.com/admin
Enter your credentials and sign in.
Step 2: Navigate to the Configuration page
Using the Icons on the left, open the "Configuration" menu and click "Locate Me".
It will take you to this screen.
Step 3: Create a New Key Contact
Click on "Create New Contact" and start to fill out the text boxes.
Legend This is what the user will see when they use the Locate Me function. E.g. Sales Team, Management Team, Level 2 Employees.
Mapping This is the name of the group itself and it must be exactly the same. You can rename the groups if necessary, but any changes to the groups in the directory must be replicated here. E.g. SalesGroup ManagersGroup, L2Group.
Please note that Mapping name is case sensitive. "firewardengroup" is different to "FireWardenGroup".
Border Hex This is the outline colour for the desk that will be highlighted. It is recommended to use a colour a little darker than background to help it stand out, whilst having a clear border. You also have the option to use a colour code if desired.
Background Hex This is the main colour of the highlighted desk. Choose something that is easily visible to make it easy to spot on your map. You also have the option to use a colour code if desired.
Once the boxes have been filled and the colours have been chosen, click "Save Changes". The new Key Contact will appear on the List.
It will now be possible to see the locations of all the members of the group if they are in the office and occupying a room or desk.