How to view a visitor’s induction status

Preregistered and remembered visitors who have completed an induction will have their induction status recorded and will only need to complete it again when the validity period of the induction expires.

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In order to ensure that regular visitors will have their induction status saved for their next visit, the ‘remembered visitors’ setting needs to be enabled.

For more information on how to allow visitors to save their details for their next visit, click here.

View induction status of a Remembered Visitor

To view a remembered visitor’s induction status, navigate to the ‘Visitors' view and then the ‘Remembered Visitors’ tab.


Select the visitor whose induction status you would like to view. If they have completed the induction, this will appear in the drawer as completed and when the validity period will expire.


If a Remembered Visitor’s induction has expired, this will appear in the drawer of that visitor along with the date that it expired.

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View induction status of a Preregistered Visitor

To view a preregistered visitor’s induction status navigate to the ‘Visitors' view and then the ‘Preregistration’ tab.

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Select the visitor whose induction status you would like to view. If they have completed the induction, this will appear in the drawer as completed and when the validity period will expire.

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If a preregistered visitor’s induction has expired, this will appear within the drawer of that visitor along with the date that it expired.

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