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How Technology Can Increase Security for Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces were becoming popular even before the pandemic hit and with the growing movement to freelancing and remote work we can only expect these to continue to grow. 

According to Statista projections, the number of coworking spaces worldwide will increase from 23,548 in 2021 to 41,975 in 2024.


How Technology Can Increase Security for Coworking Spaces: Coworking spaces worldwide: SwipedOn

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A major factor driving this growth? Technology.

Ever evolving advancements in technology have meant that for many people, they no longer need to physically be in the same building (or continent) as their colleagues to work. 

Therefore, people who make use of coworking spaces expect to be provided with the essentials to work effectively. They want to know they’re working in a safe environment where they can feel comfortable while being productive. 

It’s up to coworking spaces to empower customers to work better by ensuring their technology, security protocols and building access make this possible.

Why Coworking Spaces Have Become So Popular

In the US, flexible office space now covers 71 million square feet. This will continue to expand to reach 13% of the US office space by 2030

One survey found that 76% of executives are finding that their organization needs less space now that their employees are working remotely more often. 

Why coworking spaces have become so popular: SwipedOn

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One of the things that makes shared office space so popular is that they benefit many different kinds of users. They’re ideal for freelancers and remote staff who feel more productive in a workspace environment instead of feeling isolated when working alone, or challenged by distractions at home. 

Shared working spaces have also appealed to startups with limited funding for office space. Because they charge a use-based monthly fee, coworking facilities offer flexibility in managing costs—and they’re also ideal for scaling and expanding operations later on. 

Businesses with their own premises who want to scale down to smaller square footage also benefit from offering coworking arrangements, saving overhead on providing and maintaining unused office space.

With so many different people entering and exiting these buildings throughout the day, it’s clear that these companies need to ensure their security protocols are as tight as they can be to protect users from any malicious intent. 

We’ve outlined a few ways that incorporating technology can help.

How Can Technology Help Improve Security?

In any office space, there are various security matters an organization has to address. Coworking spaces can leverage the power of technology to ensure the safety, security, and privacy of everyone using the premises. Here’s how:

1. Easy management of bookings and visitors

In any professional space, clients, guests, and visitors are a reality, technology can help maintain security with platforms like visitor management systems and desk booking software. These platforms give office managers complete visibility over who has entered the premises and what spaces they have used during their visit. 

2. Ensure network security

IT security is a high-priority concern considering the rise in malware attacks and security breaches.  Activating two-factor authentication and setting up individualized private WiFi networks add another layer of protection for all users. Server rooms should also require a code or key card to access so there is no unauthorized traffic. 

3. Improve personal privacy/data protection

Aside from attacking the office’s networks, malicious users can also eavesdrop and steal personal data and intellectual property. Coworking spaces can use technology to customize office spaces to prevent intrusions. They can also set up offices requiring key cards for entry, particularly where confidential information is being discussed or stored. 

4. Improve physical security after work hours

Even if access to a space is allowed at any time of day, installing an integrated alarm system and monitoring access is still highly recommended. Ensuring that entrances require access codes or key cards can help coworking spaces monitor movement within their offices. 

3 Essential Softwares Coworking Spaces Should Invest In

With the security challenges organizations are facing, there’s never been a better time to use technology to make work spaces safer, more efficient, and smarter.

If you’re wondering what solutions to invest in, here are some suggestions: 

1. Desk Booking Software

A desk booking system means users can reserve a desk or meeting room in a shared workspace via a kiosk, website, or a dedicated desk booking app. 

you-get-a-desk-and-you-get-a-desk-and-everyone-gets-a-deskDesk booking systems allow users to: 

It’s an easy way to give users the freedom to choose the desk or desks they need when they are on the premises. 

2. Secure Cloud Software

With most organizations moving to the cloud, investing in secure cloud software is a solution to prevent any data breach that may affect the various users within a given shared workspace. 

This includes having the right resources, from policies and controls to procedures and technologies that work together to protect cloud-based systems and infrastructures. It’s an ideal way to filter traffic and ensure cloud security. 

3. Visitor Management Systems

Investing in a visitor management system is a must for any coworking space. 

Features like QR code check in, health screening questions, visitor badge printing and emergency evacuation management  are crucial for maintaining a high level of security. 

We all know how much technology has impacted any organization’s overall operation, but for coworking spaces, things like desk booking, secure cloud software, and visitor management systems not only make life easier but can also help improve safety and security protocols.

TLDR: Modern technology is essential for helping you run a successful coworking space. 

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Lou Burton

Lou is our Brand & Content Manager at SwipedOn.