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How COVID-19 Coronavirus Has Affected Workplaces Globally in Numbers

It will come as no surprise that, with the concept of remote working imposed upon many businesses across multiple continents, that visitor and employee numbers will have dropped dramatically in these businesses. As the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic continues to unfold across the globe, we thought we would share some SwipedOn insight in numbers which we’ve found fascinating to delve into.

We love watching general trends of workplace movements so, in this blog post, we’ve compiled our data into graphs to show this poignant moment in history for workplaces across the world.

In these graphs below, we show the trend of employee and visitor sign-ins, as seen through the SwipedOn visitor management system. As you can see, the small incline at the beginning is the from the expected lull which comes with the Christmas and New Year period, when movements, employees and visitors diminishes. It's rare to see a dip equal to, or lower than this across our global customer base at any other time of the year than we do at Christmas and New Year when many businesses shut down for the holiday season. With the COVID-19 Coronavirus causing many workplaces to implement remote working practice, it likely comes as no surprise to see this significant dip in March 2020 and then into April. It's certainly one for the history records!


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Paul Hansen

Paul is our Chief Marketing Officer at SwipedOn.