Quick Questions with Ricky: Product Manager

When he's not travelling around New Zealand or playing Dad to his four kids, he's attempting to win a Ping Pong battle at SwipedOn HQ. Oh, and when he's not busy with those tasks, he is a product manager at SwipedOn. We caught up with Ricky on his 6 month *vacation* to New Zealand to find out what a day in the life at SwipedOn is like for him.
In a nutshell, what do you do at SwipedOn?
What does a day in the life of you at SwipedOn look like?
On a good day I get to plan the next roadmap activities and create backlog items for the dev team. This is bookended with catch ups with the team in Vietnam and catching up with the team in UK.What are some of your favourite things about being part of the team here?
I'm used to working remotely in the UK so had some trepidation about coming over to NZ and being full-time in an office. I can say that those fears were ill-founded. Nice working atmosphere. The table tennis is also a highlight (although I suck).
What do you particularly like about what we’re doing with SwipedOn?
Letting people from the UK come and visit for extended vacations :)
What three words would you use to describe your role?
1. Product
2. PrOdUcT
Do you have a favourite motto or mantra that you live by?
My family and I are currently living by: "It's part of the adventure!"
What did you do in your previous working life?
Product, product, product! I worked for payroll companies, transportation companies and electronic PDM companies but always in and around software... except when I worked at Asda on the grocery section as a weekend job. It ended badly otherwise I could have run the company.
What do you do in your free time?
Play with my 4 kids, football and console games.
What are three things still left on your bucket list?
I don't have a bucket list. I just like to see what happens! Maybe beat Jason at Table Tennis one day.
What’s on your SwipedOn playlist?
If you were stuck on a desert island and you could choose one person from the SwipedOn team to come with you, who would you take and why?
Hads because he can drive boats and has the money to make the island pretty sweet.
Let’s end this with a random fact about you… or a random fact you love!
I have four daughters. Three were born in September. Two were born on the same day two years apart. And their names all begin with M.