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How to Create a Memorable First Impression for Visitors

In the corporate world, first impressions matter. They’re often the deciding factor for whether a client or customer will take a second look at what your organization has to offer. Securing an initial meeting can already be challenging, so every detail conveyed during that first contact is critical. 

When meeting others, people make judgments based on attractiveness, likeability, and trustworthiness in less than a second. This refers to the phenomenon called first impression bias. Right or wrong, people make quick and incomplete observations based on the first information they take in, so businesses must put their best foot forward. visitors will start to make judgments as soon as they enter your doors. 

7 Ways to Create an Excellent First Impression for Visitors

How do you impress your visitors? Lessgo.

1. Make the Sign-in Process EfficientHow to Create a Memorable First Impression for Visitors: Make the sign in process easy

The reception desk serves as the front line of your business; it’s critical in establishing a good first impression. In the split second your visitors walk in, often more than a hundred times a day, your reception area must make their first impressions as impactful as possible. 

Guests will have different expectations, but most will expect a premium level of customer service. This means the sign-in process should be swift and convenient. 

From the first moment they set foot on your premises, visitors should feel the business is interested in welcoming them. One way to do this is by leveraging the power of technology. The lobby should be able to serve visitors and guests quickly in an ever-changing and tech-driven environment. 

Consider implementing an interactive visitor sign-in system with the following characteristics:

  • Contactless guest check-in options
  • Intuitively designed visitor screening questions
  • Simplified sign-in process using QR codes
  • Guest identification with photo capture
  • Automated data entry for returning guests

2. Engage Your Customers

First impressions are also affected by initial interactions with the people in your organization. It’s important for visitors to feel that human connection in customer service. 

When meeting and greeting guests, remember that they’ll make assumptions about your company based on the people you employ. Here are some tips to help your people engage with your customers better: 

  • Initiate the greeting
  • Establish eye contact
  • Give a warm smile
  • Ask opening questions
  • Give undivided attention

Non-verbal cues are also important to guests. Make sure your people maintain the following: 

  • Proper posture, showing confidence and warmth
  • Presentable clothing: employee wardrobes should appeal to the customer base
  • Good grooming

Seal the deal by having a positive attitude. Approach customers with confidence and enthusiasm.

3. Build an Efficient Office Layout

A well-designed office layout factors in creating that good first impression. It reflects the organization’s values and what the company stands for. Remember, the office isn’t only a place where employees work—it’s the place that highlights what you have to offer your customers. A poorly designed workplace may send the message that a business lacks organization or competence. 

How to Create a Memorable First Impression for Visitors: Build an efficient office layoutHow to Create a Memorable First Impression for Visitors: Build an efficient office layoutPhotos by myHQ Workspaces on Unsplash

This can affect a customer’s decision whether to do business with your brand, so your office should have an efficient and professional layout to prevent guests from feeling lost or overwhelmed when they visit the premises. 

Organization also plays an important role in tightening security within the building. It should be clear to guests which areas they shouldn’t visit. 

4. Promote Consistent Branding 

Branding conveys a huge part of your company’s story. It’s what makes organizations unique and helps them stand out. Consistent branding increases brand recall, trust, and confidence. 

Branding also plays a major role in attracting the right customers to your business. Sometimes, customers will recognize a company based on its branding alone. Remember, branding goes beyond the logo, the font, or even the product offerings. It’s all these and more. It should be evident in the customer service your company provides and the tone and voice of your promotional and communications materials. 

According to the State of Brand Consistency Report, 60% of respondents reported consistent branding is critical in generating leads. Investing in consistent branding increases revenue by 10% to 20%. 

How to Create a Memorable First Impression for Visitors: Promote consistent branding

Branding supports many critical aspects of a business (Image Source).

A digital sign-in system customized with your logo and consistent with your brand tone and image is a powerful way to establish professionalism and confidence.

5. Use Customized Visitor ID Badges

Visitor ID badges have become a requirement that strengthen the security and safety of employees and guests. But there’s a downside—creating them can be tedious. Guests must line up, talk to people at the reception desk, have their photo taken, and confirm their visit. 

Implementing customized visitor ID badge software can help streamline this process. Not only does it speed up the printing of the badge, but it’s also great for impressing your guests. It sends the message that your business prioritizes company security and guest safety. 

6. Provide Real-Time Alerts

Nothing makes visitors feel special more than knowing they’re expected and you’ve prepared for them. Make sure people receiving visitors are promptly notified of who has arrived. This lessens the visitor's waiting time. Plus, employees can already expect and address the guests by their name as soon as they meet, resulting in guests immediately feeling valued.

7. Know Your Processes

With potential clients and visitors sitting in the meeting room, sealing the deal lies in how well-prepared and well-versed your employees are in the business and the processes. Train your employees to be prepared with explanations and detailed information about the products or services the company is offering. Customers can easily spot if employees are unsure of what they’re presenting. Make sure to keep the first impression positive right up until the very end. 

Create Great First Impressions That Last

When it comes to making an impactful first impression, investing in your visitor management process can be a game-changer. It can have a ripple effect that will affect various touch points within your organization. 

How do you ensure you can make a good lasting impression on your guests? By choosing a visitor management system provider that can provide intuitive and easily customizable offerings. 

Featured image: Photo by myHQ Workspaces on Unsplash

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Lou Burton

Lou is our Brand & Content Manager at SwipedOn.


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