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7 Ways to Manage Workplace Reentry Anxiety for Employees

Organizing a safe return to work and managing workplace reentry anxiety are top priorities for businesses planning to reopen in 2021. However, planning on its own won't be enough.

In a Weber Shandwick survey, just 6% of workers in the U.S. said they'll feel safe going back to work when their employer says it's safe. Along with making sure the workplace is safe, businesses must think about how to prioritize workers' wellbeing. This article will explore how businesses can manage workplace reentry anxiety while keeping employees and visitors safe.

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1. Prioritize Employee Wellbeing 

COVID-19 has emphasized the importance of looking after employees' wellbeing, especially their mental health.

When it comes to workplace reentry, businesses will need to put together an effective mental health policy and be prepared to provide team members with links to potentially-useful contacts on both a local and national level. 

Encourage taking breaks too. For example, try making it mandatory for everyone to eat lunch away from their desks. Rearrange the cafeteria and social gathering areas so everyone can build a sense of togetherness from a safe social distance, instead of being siloed at their desks.Workplace reentry: Prioritize Employee Wellbeing 

2. Be Transparent with Sharing Timely and Accurate Updates 

After reopening your doors, continue providing regular updates. 

McKinsey & Co. published a piece about engaging employees in the workplace in which they discussed the importance of "clear and inspiring communication". Recommendations included: 

  • Regular employee surveys 
  • Soliciting feedback frequently 
  • Making return processes transparent 

While navigating this time of workplace reentry, there are ways to ensure your updates are timely and accurate which include: 

  • Setting aside time each week to meet as a company. Schedule 30-60 minutes where executives provide an update on what has happened and for employees to share their concerns. 
  • Making it clear how you will approach each stage of the reopening process. Set precise dates for when people can expect a new announcement and what you will discuss.
  • Being honest. Chances are, you don't know everything at the moment. Communicate what you can and let employees know when you expect to have more information.

3. Implement Contactless Solutions for Onsite Safety and Security 

According to CBS News, a single infected door handle could infect between 40% and 60% of your workforce. 

Contactless solutions, such as digital sign-in tools, will be essential in addressing your employees' concerns prior to workplace reentry. For example, you can use a visitor management system with contactless sign-in features to ensure your workplace is safe and secure. Since you'll know who's on-site at all times, this also ensures regulatory compliance. 



Digital NDAs and visitor agreements will also be necessary for stopping multiple hands from touching the same surface. Replacing contracts and visitor books with contactless digital alternatives will also streamline your business processes and enhance company branding by giving visitors a great first impression.

4. Train Business Leaders to Support Employees 

In a McKinsey & Co. survey, 77% of employees said leaders gave them enough information needed to plan and adjust to workplace reentry. Moreover, 80% believe their leaders have been proactive in protecting their health and safety. Training is essential for continuing to meet employee needs. 

Leaders can make their efforts sustainable by: 

  • Tailoring approaches. Get creative with analytics and technology and listen to everyone's individual needs.
  • Promoting inclusion and harmony. Reassure team members that they have the freedom to experiment and share their opinions. 
  • Investing in relationships. Focus on tackling big business problems with cross-department collaboration, as well as developing relationships between employees. 

5. Act Swiftly in Responding to New Public Health Measures 

The pandemic is ever-changing, and organizations must act fast on new government advice to ensure safe workplace reentry. 

As this report by EY mentions, planning during a pandemic is much different from typical contingency planning. You may need to revert to remote working again or limit how many people can be on-site quickly.

As government regulations change, communicate and implement any necessary changes as soon as possible. If you need to improve your health and safety measures, let employees know how you're proceeding and the ways you expect them to help. If you need to reduce the number of people in your office, prioritize staff whose physical presence is essential.

Workplace reentry: Act Swiftly in Responding to New Public Health Measures 

6. Be Flexible 

Despite talk of in-office jobs dying out, Slack found that 72% of employees want a 'hybrid' agreement involving both remote and in-office work; also known as a hybrid workplace. Flexibility will be vital to cater to employees who aren't yet ready to return and those who need time off to either recover from illness or care for someone else.

Besides letting employees work from home on certain days of the week, consider letting them choose their hours. As long as they can attend to their responsibilities, trust them to know when they're most productive and let them fit work around their personal lives.

Aside from addressing anxiety when returning to work, flexibility will also keep your employees happy, thereby improving productivity and encouraging workplace reentry when they are ready. Learn more about how to manage the hybrid workplace in our 9-step guideWorkplace reentry: Be Flexible 

7. Oversee Routine Contact Tracing 

4 in 10 COVID-19 transmissions occur before the carrier develops symptoms. To protect your employees and reduce anxiety, you must perform immediate and aggressive contact tracing when any infections crop up. 


Contract tracing works by asking an infected person who they've come in close contact with and contacting them. They take a test and, if positive, self-isolate.

Contact tracing efforts are much easier if utilizing a visitor management system, especially one that can double as an employee in/out board. This will keep track of all visitors and employees that are in the office at any given time and make identifying individuals who have come in contact with an infected person much easier. With SwipedOn, admins can carry out contact tracing at the touch of a button, immediately creating a list of all visitors and employees who were on site at the same time as the high risk individual in question.

Workplace reentry: Oversee Routine Contact Tracing 

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Reduce Workplace Reentry Anxiety 

Some of your employees will be anxious about workplace reentry after the pandemic and it’s important to show them empathy. Business leaders must create a cohesive and inclusive environment, and provide mental health services and guidance to help manage and reduce workplace reentry anxiety. 

Keeping everyone safe is a top priority. Digital sign-in solutions can help reduce workplace reentry anxiety by showing your employees you are doing everything you can to ensure a safe and healthy workplace, and supporting their wellbeing. 

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Saskia Van Zijp

Saskia is our HR Coordinator at SwipedOn