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4 Unique Ways to Improve Office Security

Being able to ensure office security for both employees and visitors is a concern that all businesses should take seriously. Breaches and unauthorized physical access to your workplace not only puts people at risk but can also financially impact your business and damage your company’s reputation. 

Measures like adding more security guards and securing important documents can help improve office security but these measures alone often aren’t enough to offer a sufficient safeguard.

Implementing the best security practices means ensuring all employees are properly trained and making use of the available technology to improve office security and workplace management for everyone. 

Let’s take a look at four unique ways you can enhance safety on your premises. 

The Importance of Office Security 

When businesses don’t properly implement office security strategies, the consequences can have significant damage. IBM’s 2021 Cost of a Data Breach report revealed that the average cost of a data breach was $4.24 million that year. 


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The report also discovered that, on average, total breach costs equated to 38% of lost business share. With more companies moving toward remote or hybrid working agreements permanently, data security needs to be an even bigger concern for business. 

However, data security isn’t the only crucial element in protecting the company’s intellectual information. Businesses must also be able to physically protect their premises and employees. 

According to 2019 research by SHRM, 14% of workers felt either unsafe or very unsafe while on the job. Employees who feel unsafe have a high chance of taking their talents elsewhere, and productivity will be affected.

Ways to Improve Your Office Security 

Create a Harmonious, Trust-Based Culture

Every year, the World Happiness Report reveals the most content nations on the planet. While it’s true that many of the top-ranking countries are wealthy with strong social support systems in place, most of them have another glue that binds their societies together—trust. 

A high-trust environment allows for innovation to flourish and also promotes internal harmony. More importantly, it fosters security. Incorporating this value into your workplace culture can have many benefits. When staff know you value their security they are more likely to trust and adhere to policies and procedures.

One way to increase trust within the business is by promoting transparency —especially when employees are working remotely. 

For example, making use of an In and Out board as part of your workplace sign in system means everyone knows where their team members are that day; in, out, or working remotely. This improves workplace communication and allows managers to know who is on the premises and who will be arriving, while also streamlining the visitor sign in process.


Ditch the Paper Sign in Books 

Paper sign in books have been the business norm at reception desks for years. As technology has transformed almost every element of our lives, signing people in and out also got a makeover, and businesses (like SwipedOn 🙌) began to automate the sign in process. 

Even with all the technology available, many companies are still using these outdated sign in methods today, which undermine office security (last time we checked, a paper logbook wasn’t meeting most data privacy standards) and effective workplace management. 

Businesses should ensure as much as possible that personal and sensitive data is secured. Not doing so could land you in hot water. In Europe, for example, all businesses must adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)—which requires them to protect personal information. The fines can total millions of Euros if a company is found negligent.

When handling personal information, eliminate the risk of data non-compliance by using a digital system for your visitor management. SwipedOn’s software adheres to GDPR and other data privacy regulations. It also lets visitors know you are taking data privacy seriously when providing their personal information. 

Signing in via phone

Train Employees About Compliance 

Investing in regulation-compliant workspace management tools also means taking the time to ensure your employees are in compliance. They should be trained why it’s important—requirements, how these tools improve workplace security, and their role in minimizing non-compliance risks. 

Businesses should periodically update, and train if necessary, employees to ensure everyone follows the procedures. 

Digitize Your Sign In Process 

Integrate business tools that are designed to help keep your business running smoothly and securely. The right visitor management solutions lead to effective overall workplace management and a better visitor experience.


You should also consider how your employees access the office. Although keycards are useful, they can get misplaced and used by unauthorized persons. Businesses can benefit by giving employees an easy, secure, contactless sign in experience via their smartphones. A dedicated employee sign in sign out app allows you to:

  • Know who is in your building at all times
  • Gain greater visibility over remote workers, who can signal they are remote via the app
  • Address health and safety concerns regarding entering the workplace

animation of employee statusBuilding security should be a key consideration when looking at your overall workplace management strategy and all possible methods of unauthorized access to your premises and data. 

These tips can help you significantly reduce possible security threats. By using a digital visitor management system, you can ensure that your employees, visitors, and premises are safe, and an effective solution has been integrated into your security strategy.

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Roz Lillas

Roz is our HR Specialist at SwipedOn